just got back from work and sangat penat and sakit belakang cos today i did a record breaking of 390 books in 5 hours..ishkk... have to take a long hot shower after this and maybe able to persuade one of my nice housemates to urut my back hehehe
pause : negotiating ffnvncvjbfbbcicnsdnc nen fkn df jnfodnfnsa (diorang bincang lam bahasa cina hahaha)hah managed to persuade them to cook chow mein instead for me to berbuka yipeeee!
anyway since i got nothing to do till 5pm to my second job, thought i'd do this survey adapted from olyn and zai's blog
1. what’s bothering you right now?
the fact that i'm currently broke-en-to-the-bone and my next salary only coming on the 12th and oso that my back is aching and risau cos selama nie tak pernah sakit belakang :( and oso that i need to walk to work dan kalau tak start berjalan dari sekarang akan terlambat tapi masih nak habiskan tulis blog ini jugak gegege
2. describe your
wallet: i got two (blehh takk) one is peachy pink MNG and its huge and i use it to keep all my credit cards and other cards and receipts and wat nots (it even got pain killers and handyplast and safety pins, its THAT big! huhu) and also have money in various currencies, then the other one is red and white from NEXT and it only has pounds and euros in it :p and oh, a picture of me and someone hehehe.. and yes, i carry both everywhere with me..(owhhh patutlah sakit belakang handbag berat hmm)
wallpaper on pc: gambar toy bmw sama cam dalam blog nie gak and sebelah dia gambar lukisan tatau saper but its of a girl and she reminds me of erm..me :p
jewellery worn daily: rose shaped diamond pendant ade olang bagi and...ermm thats it :)
eyes: hari ni black (^_^)
life: real life ..on hold... currently living another life :p can aa leddet? boleh jer kan kan...
3. what are you:
doing this wknd: buat biskut cornflakes, gi carboot, spend time with the peeps here and having dinner with some friends who are moving to london soon huhu
wearing: cargo pants, quicksilver sandals, top etc etc and mr pic's jacket but later im gonna wear my baru-beli-kat-carboot-murah-gilerr-kayy jacket to work, which is perfect for the rainy weather and angin plymouth yang sangat sejuk ini huhu
wanting: for this life to be the real life... and to salam raya my parents di pagi raya nak mintak maaf and ampun :( ....aiseh rindu nak balik la plakk ishkk
listening: lagu raya.. p ramlee nyanyi "kini tiba masa nya la la la di pagi raya, terkenang sanak dan saudara bermaaf maafan dengan keikhlasan sumting sumting" hehe tak sure lyrics :p
smell like: rite now? carolina herrera chics and mr pic cos tengah pakai jacket dia hehehe
4. do you:
believe in soulmate: no
believe in miracles: sometimes
burn quickly in the sun: no eh..yeahh tapi tangan jer muka tak la plakk..pelik lakss hehe
okayyy...now i really gotta go...bye peeps! selamat berbuka (^_^)