Saturday, October 06, 2007

scarlet pimpernel at the minack theatre

heyooo..forgot to update these pictures of the minack teatre which is super duper gorgeous hehehe

me and my housemates at the entrance mesti lah kena berposing2 dulu hehehe :p we brought like lotss of food and we brought blankets and we even saw some people brought pillows and duvets hehe bleh takkk..

mr pic at the entrancee, check out the view at the back...

behind me is the stage and behind it..the sea :p

erhmm..another picture of the stage hehehehe sorry tak banyak sangat gambar amik cos too absorbed in the view and the play hehe

haa a snippet of the play :p

so the scarlet pimpernel was really funny and interesting, even mr pic-i-dont-watch-teaters-not-that-kind-of-guy-bla-bla-bla enjoyed it very much, he only came setelah dipujuk berkali, now i have to do his laundry for a month hahh.. tapi he grudgingly admit that it was really good and all in all its a good time out with my housemates (^_^)

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