Tuesday, February 19, 2008

latest cravingg....

this is a picture of Lata Kinjang waterfall, near Kampar Perak, the last time i was there was zaman2 uni dulu as it was so near utp, ingat tak u guys? i think it was about 20 of us kan? sigh..those days when we were so young and the only thing we had to worry about assignments and exams and whether we shud go to ipoh that weekend hehe, simple life :p

anyway, the point of this blog? kawan2 jom la kite gi mandi sungai :p this craving started in UK and terbawak2 especially after reading chics blog on mandi sungai nampak sungguh best aktiviti ini dan we shud go cos we are so lucky to have "sungais" we can mandi-manda in compared to negara2 lain kan kan kan?

jom la!

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