note : i actually started with writing stuff up as one long post..then i realised even i got a headache reading it as twas wayyyy too long, so i cut them up instead hehe :p
i met an ex utp-ian friend the other day, and had dinner at Dome in KLCC, she has had a very succesful career and now lives in Dubai where she is the Manager for one major-est international oil company in the world, and her normal schedule revolves around jet setting to the States, to Europe, South Africa or parts of Asia on monthly basis..we had always predicted she will be highly succesful, she's smart and funny and friendly and most importantly, she's nice, like really really helpful friendly and kindly nice :)
anyway, since i have not seen her for about 5 years already, the dinner was spent catching up on news and such, there were only five of us there but i think we created enough noise for twenty hehe the major issue was, she's getting married! and her love story was one of the sweetest i have ever heard! straight out of the movies! she's getting married to her best friend, a best friend since childhood as they grew up together, she confessed that she has had a crush on him since forever but not wanting to ruin the friendship etc etc she kept it to herself, little did she know that he feels the same way too!
so they both went separate ways and fell in love with other people, although it all never seems to work out, finally early this year, a day before Valentine's Day, they both found themselves single again, and she somehow found the courage to say what she wanted to say, and of course he felt the same way too! so last august they got engaged, which funnily enough happened while she is Dubai and they do it over the phone! and now, on the 22nd Nov, they will be getting married!
i asked her why she never confessed her feelings earlier, they could have gotten together sooner! think of all those years! but she explained that the timing just wasnt right and she herself didnt know what came over her to confess something like that, its really not in her at all! but she said, that night she just had the strongest feeling that this is the right time to say it, and she was right, the timing was perfect :) isnt that the sweetest and loveliest thing you've ever heard!its the greatest feeling in the world to fall in love with your best friend, someone you knew so well and respected :) and i wish them a happy and long lasting marriage, insyallah :)
i met an ex utp-ian friend the other day, and had dinner at Dome in KLCC, she has had a very succesful career and now lives in Dubai where she is the Manager for one major-est international oil company in the world, and her normal schedule revolves around jet setting to the States, to Europe, South Africa or parts of Asia on monthly basis..we had always predicted she will be highly succesful, she's smart and funny and friendly and most importantly, she's nice, like really really helpful friendly and kindly nice :)
anyway, since i have not seen her for about 5 years already, the dinner was spent catching up on news and such, there were only five of us there but i think we created enough noise for twenty hehe the major issue was, she's getting married! and her love story was one of the sweetest i have ever heard! straight out of the movies! she's getting married to her best friend, a best friend since childhood as they grew up together, she confessed that she has had a crush on him since forever but not wanting to ruin the friendship etc etc she kept it to herself, little did she know that he feels the same way too!
so they both went separate ways and fell in love with other people, although it all never seems to work out, finally early this year, a day before Valentine's Day, they both found themselves single again, and she somehow found the courage to say what she wanted to say, and of course he felt the same way too! so last august they got engaged, which funnily enough happened while she is Dubai and they do it over the phone! and now, on the 22nd Nov, they will be getting married!
i asked her why she never confessed her feelings earlier, they could have gotten together sooner! think of all those years! but she explained that the timing just wasnt right and she herself didnt know what came over her to confess something like that, its really not in her at all! but she said, that night she just had the strongest feeling that this is the right time to say it, and she was right, the timing was perfect :) isnt that the sweetest and loveliest thing you've ever heard!its the greatest feeling in the world to fall in love with your best friend, someone you knew so well and respected :) and i wish them a happy and long lasting marriage, insyallah :)