Tuesday, October 28, 2008

what im reading..

folks, am currently reading this latest book by Candace Bushnell :)
get it at 20% less at Borders (wahaa free advert) if u purchase something else, but worth it cos then its only rm48 and its hard cover!
nak pinjam saya punye pun buleh..kena queue yer :)
*this post is part of nique_naq's community service and an effort to create budaya membaca, membaca itu amalan mulia :p*


Anonymous said...

babe..advance nye u!

i baru nak start baca Lipstick Jungle!

is it any good?

niQue_naQ said...

hi anon..hehe im a book worm, wat can i say :p

which book any good nie? Lipstick Jungle is really good, a bit cliche, but still a good read but One Fifth Avenue lain sikit genre dia, so far a very interesting read but im just half way through, nanti i write a summary once im done okey :)