Sunday, November 01, 2009

when its been a while


ive been sitting here for the last half an hour, drumming my fingers, trying to figure out what to blog about.

it takes some time to get back to this, it really does..

not that there isnt anything to write about, there's plenty, but as i started writing something, i realised i need to tell u guys something else first or the story wont make sense, then dat story wont make sense if i didnt start from another place and the whole thing will jumble up and down left right and makes everyone, moi included very confused :p

so i thought i should start with something neutral.

what's more original than writing about how you have nothing to write about? hahaha

suddenly u have a several paragraphs and a couple of excalamation marks (!!) here and there, done, my first post in a very very long time :p

oh there is something cool to write about, i am typing on my new shiny silvery vista migrated laptop (^_^)!!

ok2, its office nya laptop, tapi okey lah will do until i get my own. hopefully by end of this year. it will a new year's present to myself hehe (as if i need a reason hahaha).

happy sunday everyone!


Anonymous said...

hi babe! yr back yippee!! rindu nya nak baca yr writings :)


Anonymous said...

vista migrated laptop? wahh..sudah advanced di malaysia?

niQue_naQ said...

hi v! thanks for still reading my blog! really appreciate it :)

anon : yeah, dah lama lah vista kat msia, my company jer yg lambat :p