Wednesday, March 23, 2011

huk aloh weh lok!

Ingak nok blog dale klate se'tar. Buke gapo, ingak nok buat laing sikit dari oghe laing. Dok blog dale oghe putih jah, bose weh.

Pahtu, nok blog dale bahso melayu, kawe aku ghoyak baco blog aku mache oghe tulih skrip ko Kuasatek. Nate bewok, nasib baik dio kawe aku partner-in-crime. Doh mitok maah sapa tahung 2006 doh. Takpo bia demo nok kutuk, aku pung buleh kutuk demo.

Dulu aku ghoyak kawe aku: Mek, aku nok blaja kecek klate lah. Dia ghoyak kakku, buleh. Masa'alohnyo, aku buleh kiro so sapa sepulo jah. Hong laing aku fel. Kalu aku kecek klate, confirm sta lagi ado laa oghe hok gelok kakku. Nate bewok gletik glenyar. Demo dok ghoyak, aku kecek klate mace oghe sie kecek klate. Bughuk do'oh. Tapi kalu blog, takpo dok, takdok gapo-gapo denga doh takdok sogho hok tubik dih. Lagipung ni blog aku, suko ati aku la nok blog bahso gapo pung, dih?

Semangak do'oh nok blog dale bahso klate nih, sapa tok ingat pulok nok kecek pasa gapo.


Haa, ingak doh! Mung tau dok, aku suko betu make makane oghe2 klate nih. Actuallynya, aku suko make makane gapo2 pung, doh makane oghe klate sedap2 ke. Aku suko make nasi tupe, nasi dage, lakse (sedak nih!). Aku suka khopok segero hok pedah2 tu, Ferst time aku try makane klate ni maso aku 18 tahung, maso tuh kawe sekolej aku, Sheli jeput maghi ghumoh dio. Dia wi make lakse. Aku ingak aku sapa make dua pingge male tu hehe. Pahtu, maso Sheli tu kawing, (ni tahung 1999 kalu tok silak), aku gi koto baghu. Arwah mok Jeling (aku nupe ghumoh Jeling kat KB) bagi make mache-mache. Dale satu wikeng tuh, dio masok nasik dage, wi make nasi tupe, nasi khabu ike (oh sedak weh!), make khopok lekor, jepput dughuye.... aloh laaa, mache nok pecoh peghut male tu, make mache2. Doh pulok tu, maso bekwoh Sheli, ado nasik bghiyani pulok, ado kuih akok, cumo sedih skit, takdok lakse maso tuh. Tapi takpo... make mache-mache doh.

Cumo hok nok ghoyak nih, lakse sedak, tapi lakso Johor lagi sedak hehe. Tapi lakso Johor tok seghupo lakso Pehe. Ingak tuh.

blog author's note :


i did not write this, this amazingly funny makes-me-laugh-now-got-stomach-ache comes from this wonderful blogger Leen Ashburn, whom i found through Miss Pugs (or Pretty Ugly but she doesnt blog anymore). i hope she doesnt mind i copied pasted this post of hers into here but i just found it to be to so funny! ive always wanted to write in kelantanese but could never found the right spelling!!! hehehe so hope you enjoyed it, and ALL credits are due to Miss Leen Ashburn! Her blog and other posts and this particular post was taken from her blog - The Blog of the Not-So Little People in Leen Nation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

huk aloh...

excited doh tadi bilo baco.ingat ko niquenaque tulis sendiri,tapi gak hok ore lain..

demo panda kecek kelate ko?