the love quiz...
got this in my inbox, mcm pernah buat dulu, but why not, im bored at work anyhoo :p
What is the best nickname that u ever had?
the best eh..hmm..the list includes nique, nike, nicklodeon, niqnaq paddywhack, nikito, nicky..but someone called me 'tatoesh' once (which takde kena mengena ngan 'nik' hehe), so i think dats my fav :)
Rate your social life from scale 1 to 10?
let's see...hmm.. i'd say its around 5ish..maybe because ive been pretty "anti-sosial" for these past few months, tapi takpe2 nanti tunggu the "ultimate event organizer" to return by end of the year, okey folks :p
Are you in love with someone at the moment?
is being tak boleh tido, malas nak makan cos he's not there to eat with you and must hear his voice at least once a day means you're in love? then yes (^_^)
Are you missing someone at the moment?
yes, very much :(
Would you die for the one you love?
wah terlalu extreme la tu, but it depends la, if it means would i risk my life to save the person i love, like jumping through a blaze of fire to rescue him on the other side cos he broke his leg and cannot move (hahaha i watched too many movies :p) then, yes, i would :)
Do you think love hurts?
yes, all over.
When do you know that you're in love?
when i cant stop smiling and grinning (tersengeh sorang2 hehe) when i think about him, then tetiba terasa nak nangis dan bergenang ayer mata cos im missing him so much, that's when i know.
Whats the best thing about love?
everything (mcm banyak sangat nak tulis, shy la *blush*blush*)
Whats the worst thing about love?
also everything
Will you wait for someone you love?
only if he asks me too
What song that best describes your love life at the moment?
I Miss You - Incubus
Do you wanna get married?
someday, yes
Have you talked to the person you love in less than24 hours?
no :(
Do you keep memories or try to forget them?
i keep the good ones
Is love always on your side or the opposite way?
opposite way, ive had the unluckiest love life/history ever, ever! but im still hopefull and positive about it! so either im an idiot or a totally hopeless romantic huhu
Do you have a gay/lesbian/bisexual friend?
yeap yeap...they are pretty interesting bunch of people! (apakah kena mengena with love??)
Are you sick of love?
tired of waiting yes, but not sick of it
Are you sick of questions on love?
hehe after ALL the above questions about them?? now i am :p
Do you believe in soulmates?
i believe in two people falling in love and working hard to make sure that the love lasts forever..soulmates are a lovely idea, but i think that would be too easy..
im tagging;
1. Miss Olyn
2. Miss Aeni
3. Miss Herlina
4. Miss Pugly
5. Miss Elmy
eh semua girls ek, takpe la..
got this in my inbox, mcm pernah buat dulu, but why not, im bored at work anyhoo :p
What is the best nickname that u ever had?
the best eh..hmm..the list includes nique, nike, nicklodeon, niqnaq paddywhack, nikito, nicky..but someone called me 'tatoesh' once (which takde kena mengena ngan 'nik' hehe), so i think dats my fav :)
Rate your social life from scale 1 to 10?
let's see...hmm.. i'd say its around 5ish..maybe because ive been pretty "anti-sosial" for these past few months, tapi takpe2 nanti tunggu the "ultimate event organizer" to return by end of the year, okey folks :p
Are you in love with someone at the moment?
is being tak boleh tido, malas nak makan cos he's not there to eat with you and must hear his voice at least once a day means you're in love? then yes (^_^)
Are you missing someone at the moment?
yes, very much :(
Would you die for the one you love?
wah terlalu extreme la tu, but it depends la, if it means would i risk my life to save the person i love, like jumping through a blaze of fire to rescue him on the other side cos he broke his leg and cannot move (hahaha i watched too many movies :p) then, yes, i would :)
Do you think love hurts?
yes, all over.
When do you know that you're in love?
when i cant stop smiling and grinning (tersengeh sorang2 hehe) when i think about him, then tetiba terasa nak nangis dan bergenang ayer mata cos im missing him so much, that's when i know.
Whats the best thing about love?
everything (mcm banyak sangat nak tulis, shy la *blush*blush*)
Whats the worst thing about love?
also everything
Will you wait for someone you love?
only if he asks me too
What song that best describes your love life at the moment?
I Miss You - Incubus
Do you wanna get married?
someday, yes
Have you talked to the person you love in less than24 hours?
no :(
Do you keep memories or try to forget them?
i keep the good ones
Is love always on your side or the opposite way?
opposite way, ive had the unluckiest love life/history ever, ever! but im still hopefull and positive about it! so either im an idiot or a totally hopeless romantic huhu
Do you have a gay/lesbian/bisexual friend?
yeap yeap...they are pretty interesting bunch of people! (apakah kena mengena with love??)
Are you sick of love?
tired of waiting yes, but not sick of it
Are you sick of questions on love?
hehe after ALL the above questions about them?? now i am :p
Do you believe in soulmates?
i believe in two people falling in love and working hard to make sure that the love lasts forever..soulmates are a lovely idea, but i think that would be too easy..
im tagging;
1. Miss Olyn
2. Miss Aeni
3. Miss Herlina
4. Miss Pugly
5. Miss Elmy
eh semua girls ek, takpe la..
jawab2, jangan tak jawab :p
ps : just realised kan, the first two questions kan, macam takde kena mengena about yr love life kan? kan? kan?

hi nique, can you tell me where you got the Love Is.. comic strip? i really like it, it used to be in the papers right?
thank you!
wah2 blazing fire lagiks tu hahahaha
siapa kah gerangan orang itu ya?
hi anon1, yes you can get it online from http://www.gocomics.com/loveis/
they have loads!
anon2..hehe rahsia :p
Alamak ... ! :-)
hehe tak kira miss pugs..kena buat jugak :p
missy no angel!!
bila kah nak meet up nie?
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