we spend the first day in hanoi city, the next day to halong bay and stayed overnight on the cruise boat (will update on part two) and then back to the city centre. here are the pictures and my review will be based on the pics okey :)
and, just because you riding around on a bike all day, does not mean you can sacrifice your sense of style! these ladies rock their bikes with cool clothes and super high heels equal to the ladies of new york! and check out how their helmet usually matches their bike seats too!
check out her six inches heels!
Cho Hom is the heaven for those who wants to go shopping for super cheap and good quality chiffon silk, cotton and vietnamese silk. its quite far from the main lake at the city centre, about 30 minutes walk, yes we walked! but u can take a taxi as taxi fares adalah sangat sangat murah.
the night market in hanoi. its only on fridays, saturdays and sundays. and starts at 8pm to midnight. this is where you can buy extremely cheap fridge magnets, ceramic and bamboo plates, chopsticks, table mats, etc. elsewhere mahal, here you can get the best bargain! the market is at least one km long and we didnt even walked to the end cos its really really long!
so that's some of the pictures of our trip!
okey break down;
air tickets - RM260 per person. its a three hours flight so u might wanna book yr food awal2 on the flight in case by the time the cart reached you tinggal maggie sahaja hehe.
hotel - about USD45 per person for three nights at the hotel including breakfast.
cruise - USD 110 per person including transport from and to hotel, food on board the cruise, tido one night and all the activities included (will update next) actually can get cheaper but we malas nak carik and its already in our budget anyway so we ok saja. our boat memang nampak mahal sikit compared to others but yang lain pun mcm ok saja so up to you ok :)
food -oh food is so susah!! breakfast they serve toast and they have an omelete bar BUT ingredients included pork so sah2 guna kuali yg sama kan!! so thank god we brought lotsa of maggies, campbell soups, bread and cookies. on the cruise takyah risau cos the whole boat i.e. us and the rest of the mat salehs semua makan seafood sesajo, so dats allrite. restoran Nisa tu near our hotel but its not really that cheap la but ok jer nak makan situ tiap2 hari. lucky for us, on the last nite we got an invitation to dine at one of the malaysian embassy staff so the auntie masak sangat sedap and we all makan beria haha.
transport - taxi adalah sangat sangat murah!! so naik jer taxi, tapi make sure yang ber meter la kan, dats normal everywhere you go :) otherwise if yr like us, we WALKED everywhere! cold weather kan, so jalan2 pun relax jer tak panas!
shopping - we went crazy shopping for - Kipling bags, Crumplers and all those vietnamese silks and wat nots. for the bags, expect to spend about RM30 each and for the kains, around 2 - 3 USD per meter. i only brought about 250USD to spend, change it all to Vietnamese Dong and spend in VND as its cheaper. i ended up only spending slightly more than half and i got about 6 bags and 10 pasang kain (4 meters each) and tons other stuff like silk robes, fridge magnets, chopsticks and table runners and mats!
currrency - change all to USD, once you reach vietnam cari kedai EMAS, yes GOLDSMITH to change your USD to VND. tak tau kenapa kat kedai emas the rates are THE best! kat mana2 boleh jumpa senang jer. make sure you changed all your VND back to USD BEFORE you leave, at aiport the rates are pretty good, cos kat Msia they dont accept VND sangat so rugi.
so dats my simple review of the city of Hanoi - next i will update on Halong Bay!
apekebende pi Hanoi makan Malaysian food..apalah... makan lah sumthing like Hanoian makan...iskh3x.. (n_n)
we did! tu "pho" tu makanan vietnam laaaaaa! yang lain ada pork and even dogs! how to eat lehhhh :p
hmmm...banyaknya berjalan you nih, next trip ajaklah i plak
*I makan dog - hot dog lagi!!!
art - new york jom, october hehehe :p
october takleh...bz..
wahh besnya ninie pi hanoi. Wish I could join u guys. ahaks..bes2..
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