Tuesday, October 12, 2010


i had fun reading my frend's blog today on how she met her hubby..you can read it here

it was a very sweet story, something im sure she would like to remember and mesti bercerita to anak cucu cicit hehe

maybe i shud write my story here too..


tgk la nanti macamana :p kena ingat balik hehe :p

ps : im off to nyc in two days! wuhoo!


:: LadyVerde + Mr.Doc :: said...

owh yeahhhh...u should do an entry about it...
i langsung tak kenal ur mr.sunshine :)

aaaaaaaaa cant wait for ur ny pix!
btw, u pegi orlando sume tak?

niQue_naQ said...

hehe ok2 nanti tunggu balik nyc :p dah inspired after reading yr story best sangat! (^_^)

tak gi orlando, going to washington and niagara falls :p :p :p