Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 3 – Your idea of the perfect first date

it started with a lovely breakfast at the local stalls shop, you know, where there are many different stalls inside one restaurant? that's my favourite kind of breakfast place as there's so many food to choose from and you get to try everything! :) over breakfast would be the initial conversations, work, family education and the kind of person he is dealing with crowd, lots of people, if he is adventurous with food, does he let you try his food :p

then it moved on to the one of the best bazaar in town or flea market, i absolutely adores flea markets, which is why i love going to car boots so much while in Plymouth :) the smell of salty french fries and malt vinegar greeting you when you walked in, books at 50p each, glasses and pots and pans at a quid each, weird and sometimes gorgeous lamps at bargain prices, new and used toys, and so many other things, rest assured you need only to spend 5 pounds and can happily walk home with a load of stuff, while munching on heavenly sugary doughnuts!

i digress :p anyway, in these kind of places, is where you can walk and talk and discover more about likes and dislikes and sharing of stories and experiences :) a bazaar is a wonderful place to gauge someone's attitude towards different things - like how he felt about buying second hand items or is he a snob and would never go near them, his bargaining skills, does he have the charms to get that discount or is he rude and huffingly walk away?

after this would be a crucial point of the date, if things went well, you might go to lunch together, if not, hey at least you got all those nice stuff from the bazaar hehe

i dont really like having first dates at night, the pressure is too much and you tend to have all these stigma of those dates in the movies on how its suppose to be and when it wasnt like that you get disappointed which is totally not the guy's fault, he obviously did not grow up watching romantic chick flick all his life :) plus, going to candlelight restaurants, driving around together at night with a guy you just met? not such a good idea :)


Zuraida said...

oh it sounds so nice, reminds me of one day back in moscow when my mum brought us to Esmaluski...its like a flea market with lots of stuff at bargain prices, you can even find rare antiques and heirlooms adorable to bits.


bila la nak pi UK pulak ni???


niQue_naQ said...

oooooo dat sounds lovely too! ive never been to dat side of the world yet hehe xpe nanti one day im sure we both can make it to where we've never been hehe :) :)

thanks for dropping by!