first of all, thanks to mr.noriswadi for giving the winning formula for the sore throat cure! my fav is actually the apple cider honey vinegar mix but unfortunately i cant get them here so i needed help trying to find not only the best, but the fastest cure :) actually im pretty confident that the rest of the mixes that i received works as well (thanks olyn and judes!) and perhaps its the combination of all those that finally cures it come wed morning (^_^) so who knows hehe anywayyyyy, the tamarind drink works like a charm! either that and/or i was praying really really really hard :p but it works! not totally cure it, but enough that i can actually speak instead of croaking and able to project it across the lecture theatre and got some of those "sexy voice" comments hehehe
its funny how the human body works sometimes, just when u think that yr totally maxed out exhausted and yr just so ill and you feel soo blergghh and feverish and your throat feels so icky and it hurts to just even think about talking or swallowing and you just feel that u cant even move a muscle... u find that actually, when u really really have to, you can!
my first presentation was on wednesday is on DELL, our group was focusing on the direct business model, zero inventory stuff that now is a blur of information in my head :p did you know that Michael Dell started his business with just $1000 capital from the dorm room of his uni in 1984 and now 20 odds years later, he's like a multi billionaire! and the concept is mind boggling simple actually, let the customer decide what they want, and deal directly with them! i mean isnt that exactly what most of us wants anyway? so the presentation was good, my two bits worth is mainly the "how do they do it" part, and the other logistics challenges, the environmental and society and government part of the DELL, and luckily i remembered all the readings i did before i got sick and thus managed to answer all the questions in the end!
my second presentation, a mere two days later on friday, was about the port of plymouth, a 20 minutes walking distance away..the current port of plymouth is mainly for ro-ro ships and brittany ferries, for you to go to spain and france..and there was a paper from the uk transport ministry to perhaps look into developing it to into a container port instead..so that's the research was all about and it was good, i mean we actually managed to look into the city council's point of view, the people of plymouth and the society etc etc plymouth being a tourist and uni city and navy base made is almost next to impossible to develop it into any container ports of any kind, but its kind of interesting to learn more about the place you live in, helps to make you care about it more :)
so i have had a good ending to an "ill" week, im not 100% well yet, traces of cough and flu here and there and plus i have just finished my first week of work training (will write about this more in my next blog) and at least two of the most time consuming presentation is done, and now its tuesday of a brand new week, and another two more weeks, we'll be on spring break, yeay! (^_^)
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