Sunday, June 29, 2008

i miss u..


one look at my pale face and you know that my anemia is making me dizzy or making me suffocate and knew exactly what do to make me feel better

you patiently kutip all my hair elastics that i always dropped everywhere and when i get irritated of not to have anything to tie my hair i would always happily discover that you had found them and keep them neatly piled in one place that i can always find them again, i dont know why but this simple gesture gets to me everything single time :)

you know exactly how much i can or cannot eat and plan accordingly even though i sometimes can be extra ambitious and stubborn and insists that i can finish my food, you would quietly not order any because you know you will end up finishing mine

you simply accept and understand my fetish that i need to sleep with the windows wide open despite being freezing cold and had to snuggle up under two duvets rather then shutting the windows in the first place and just made sure that i have plenty of tissues and water by my bed for the morning sinuses attack

you know that im always afraid of my shoes or sandals being too slippery and so always wait patiently whenever i walk extra slow and extra cautious even though it will take twice as long to get where we need to go

you dont mind that i keep and loved watching reruns of friends and two pints of lager over and over again and would happily accompany me watching them too (hehe admit it, u like them too :p)

the list is endless.

i miss the person i was when im with you.



Anonymous said...

hi, ive always read your blog but never actually leave a comment.. just want to say that i like reading it :) so keep up!

Anonymous said...

are you referring to the series two pints of lager and a packet of crisps? hehehe i love it too! looks like we have something in common :p


niQue_naQ said...

thanks anonymous :)

niQue_naQ said...

yes rizal, thats the series i was referring to :p its one of my favourite shows :)