Sunday, August 03, 2008

one of those untitled post hehe

contrary to popular belief, i actually can cook. and i actually like to cook.

this might seems hard to imagine and yes, you might be rolling your eyes at me in disbelief as if you were to ask me where is the salt and pepper and onions and garlics are kept in my kitchen, i can safely tell you that i have no idea.

the thing is, i like cooking in my own kitchen. not my mom's or my sister's or whoever else. my kitchen. my own. in my own house. ive realized this fact when i was living on my own in UK, renting my own tiny little studio apartment that was facing the railway station, never mind it was so loud when the trains pass by or that the building had so many fire incidents due to the crazy drunk students and that the internet connection was almost none existence on a rainy day, which happens fairly often as it is in the south west after all, i was blissfully happy, and started to cook experimentally in the weekends, in my own tiny little kitchen. and i would often invite new friends that i have just made, over to my house to eat whatever it was that i was experimenting that week.

and, i discovered that i am a good cook. like, really! hehehe modestly speaking of course.

even after ive moved out of that apartment, into a bigger sharing house, i still like cooking.

and i so missed doing it. perhaps you wonder why i dont cook at my mom's house, where i live. i do, like once a year :p but i usually dont, i dont know, maybe because there really isnt any need cos my mom or the maid usually would have cooked by something, and there's always things to eat and i dont know, it just doesnt feel right huhu.

i guess what i need to do is move out and get a place of my own. but no chance of that ever happening as long as im not married. sigh..

anyway, as im going down memory lane, here are some pictures of my studio flat in UK, isnt tiny and pretty? :D

the building..cantek kan? hehe and its only like 10 minutes walk to uni, up the hill too! oh those were the skinny days huhu, there's a tiny little groceries shop right around the corner if i need something urgently or i'd walk the mere 15 minutes to Sainsbury and get my stuff. right in front of the building, going up a really steep hill is the Central Park, slalu jugak la gi jogging dulu at the park, and on Sundays they have car boot sale, which is perfect for me as i love car boot bargains :p the name of the building, is, Central Park Tower at Central Park Avenue :p *giggles* macam FRIENDS kannnnnnn hehehe berangan :p

see that door at the back? that's the front door, as you enter, the first door on your left is the tiny bathroom and the next door is the tiny kitchen, then you enter here, the living room aka the bedroom, the bed is actually a sofa bed, and its actually spend more time as a sofa then a bed, as im too lazy to keep turning into a sofa then a bed etc etc and sides, i only need a small space to sleep anyhows :) i dont usually sit at the stool there, i would usually stand and eat my breakfast on the table tho, the stool is too high and makes me dizzy hehe..usually kalau org datang, i would use the low table i have (its in the next picture) and we'd eat sitting cross legged on the floor :)

from a different angle :) see, that's the low table there, other times it would be against the window, the only window in the flat, as im the 9th floor, i usually have the window open most of the time, i have the view of the railway station platform, and oh, there's an apple tree right underneath my window, wild green apple, cool eh? :p next to the chair tu, is actually my desk, see, i told you its small :) comel kitchen. see, check it out in oven, i actually have something baking! hehehe i think its cannolis, they have great ready made ones in Sainsbury and all you have to do is stuffed em' and baked em'! the fridge is that bottom door on the right, kecik jer fridge dia tapi ok lah, since i stayed alone kan, usually its filled with juices, eggs and fruits..oh, and cheese! the far left bottom door, under the sink is the washing machine! yep, amazing how they conceal everything in those doors kan? i loved loved this apartment! too bad it was too expensive to stay longer tho huhu

this entry has moved on from cooking to marriage to flats hehehe

oh well..laparnye.. wanna eat maggi la!

see, that as complicated cooking as i get hahaha :p

mr sun, nak ikan salmon masak lemak cili padi! :p


Anonymous said...

salmon masak cili api siappppppppp....ishskkkkkkk...iskhhhhh...

dah siap..nanti claim yerr... anyway u give me an idea what to cook for my farewell party..ecehhhh...padahal makan sorang2 gak..(n_n)

niQue_naQ said...

farewell partayyyyy ecewahhhhh..

wat party tak ajak org, ade ke makang sensorang ape lahhhhhh :D

cepat la balik masak untuk saya, cepat cepat cepat :p