Sunday, February 13, 2011

love/hate relationships

the best things about long distance relationships;

1. you only have to juggle between work, friends and family - with minimal guilty feeling about spending too much time with one particular group. cos admit it, when he's around, one of those three will get neglected, if not all :p

2. you learn to do things yourself - not that you dont already know, but it does goes straight out of yur head when he's there to do it for you.

3. no one can talk you out of buying something like that dress that looks exactly similar to the one you are already wearing

4. so with that, no one to give you a long lecture on the importance of savings and minimising your spendings so you wont feel guilty about buying that dress

5. you can go online and see what you like and ask him to buy it for you there cos obviously its cheaper where he is, and they always got nice things there anyway, or when he knows your favourite shops and what you like and buy them for you and keep u updated especially if ITS ON SALE and then the best part is receiving those packages by post!

the downside part of a long distance relationships;

1. when you are excited about something and dying to tell him, u picked up the phone to call him only to realise its 5 am where he is, so you kinda either get (a) get a long lecture or (b) he reacted with a mumble and a yawn. either way, yr exciting news suddenly doesnt sound so exciting anymore huhu

2. when yr dying to watch a movie or eat something or go somewhere and all your girlfriends or siblings already have other plans and there's no one to go with you, you know he would if he's around and of course he wouldnt let you do anything alone :p :p

3. when yr so exhausted and tired after a long hard day at work and need some pampering, he's not around to tell you to leave your car at work, he will come and pick u up, feed you, send you home and the next morning, will pick u up just to send you to work.

4. when its so difficult to make future plans cos his holidays are different than yours! so frustating! :(

5. when you miss him so much it hurts and how u wish that he's just an hour or two away by plane instead of 14hours huhu :(


zafi said...

hey nique, I'll Pm you soon

niQue_naQ said...

hey zarul, no problem dearie :)