heya peeps out there :D guess what, ive got a job! a part time job! finally after months of searching for the right kind of work, i finally found it! cant tell you where it is hehehe lets just say its somewhere i know that the "future's" gonna be "bright" (^_^)
im starting next week, which is pretty crazy timing actually since i have three presentations and a coursework due, but i think i can handle it..sides' i desperately desperately need the extra cash so yeah, i'll do watever i can to cope with my studies and work..after all its only 20 hours a week :p
so its a start to a fantastic month, yay!
20 hours a week sounds heavenly..how can i apply?huhu
I'be be there in a jiffy to take over the job!
It's a far cry from my current 40++ hours a week!
hehehe yeah 20 hours sounds heavenly compared to the 70 hours per week i used to do..i remember nell being annoyed with me about this :p
the money is not bad as well.. so you two, bila nak mai nie??
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