Tuesday, May 20, 2008

my favourite people (^_^)

nothing like a good get together with your most favorite people in the world to make a friday night event perfect (^_^)

with good food, fabulous company and a crazy game of charades (cheers to bayan for the word of the night 'ambang'!!??) it certainly made me forget all the issues and problems that i am currently facing..i havent laughed that hard or that much in months! it was totally relaxing, i love the feeling of just being absolutely comfortable with your friends :)

love you guys, thanks for fantastic night!

*kudos to miss huda, lord nabil and miss nana for your presence, cant find a picture with you guys in it tho :p

suke posing atas couch ni hehe

see what i mean? hahaha loady sampai takde tempat nak posing gakk..this is mr.best friend no.1 aka mr tungkai showing off his photography skills (konon nye laa, biasa jerr :p)

once a friend, always a friend, even tho we are miles apart :)

bayan, man and mr.best friend no.1 with a silly smile hahaha

this is mr.best friend no.2..ladies both no.1 and 2 are still available, if you are interested :p


Zaitul said...

alaaaa...benci la....wat party time im not around.....

niQue_naQ said...

alaa u balik nanti leh wat welcome back party :p something i have been promised but never get hehehe

awak, nak pinjam haziq leh? nak bawak gi my niece nye birthday party :p

Yap! It's 3088.. said...


You lost weight!

niQue_naQ said...

hahaha gee thanks alden! actually tak jugak, maybe im just really really photogenic :p