Thursday, December 04, 2008


Remember this post here?
The Recruitment Manager of Asia Pacific of the company just contacted me and they are still interested! despite my failed test result! they had to go through higher level to overwrite my test result!
Itu la so sombong wann with your test issit tee heeheeeheeheee
nothing boost the crushed ego more than this! (^_^)


herl said...

wahh..does it spell "new job"??

Wadi: said...

Hey Nique,

That's a pleasant news!

By the way, I have private (ed) my blog due to personal reason. Do e-mail me at for invitation yeah!

Salam Aidiladha to you


niQue_naQ said...

herlina, tak tau lagi hehe we'll see :p

niQue_naQ said...

hey noris, okey will do! Salam Aidiladha to you too :)