Friday, September 12, 2008

where is the love? spread the love ya all, spread the love :p

i wonder why its so difficult for some people to admit their mistakes? at the age of 40! i mean, you should be matured and experienced enough already to know there's nothing absolutely degrading or menjatuhkan ego if you admit that you are wrong, in fact, it will make your colleague respects you more. especially if you dapat a colleague like me who is always right hahaha :p its not my fault that im young and smart (kawan2, mcm familiar tak ayat nie :p) haiihhhh..susah nye duk dalam department where the EGO is larger than life!

and the hits just keep on cominggg :p

1. survey 101, where is the best pasar ramdhan dearies all? the one at kelana jaya sucks (sorry, no offence, kut2 ade sesaper menjual disitu) tapi seriously, the food tak sedap and some even by time balik rumah dah basi and MAHAL. i only went there twice, and enough is enough. i miss the pasar ramadhan in Taman Maju UTP :p aaahh..the gud ol' days. so folks, please tell me where u think is the best pasar ramadhan, i wanna check it out this weekend.

2. remember the other oil company? i got the offer!! (^_^) went for the medical checkup and here's hoping that i will be somewhere else after raya hehe BUT its not confirm yet, kena successful in my medical dulu..which is scary gak cos me and my anemia and we'll see kay.. will keep u updated :)

3. i did another survey, if i leave my office in jalan ampang at 5pm, i will reach home in kelana jaya at 8pm, so mmg tak sempat nak berbuka di rumah BUT if i leave the office at 6.50pm ke atas, i will reach home by 7.20 - 7.30 sorta like just in time! survey is conducted over the course of one week. so wats a girl to do? leave at 6.50 jam and the road is as clear KL on a chinese new year morning :p

4. i went to low yatt recently, alone to buy stuff for someone. my previous experiences with low yatt has always been somewhat intimidating or i get annoyed and pening kepala and irritated and cant wait to get out of there. this is because i always went there with either my ex-boyfriends or male best friends or male colleagues, yg KONONnye terrer in computers and wat nots, so everytime i see something interesting or something i like (which is usually something comel or cute hehe) they will immediately jumped at me, u know like 'hah, ni la girls, suka yg comel je, this thing tak cukup memory/RAM/power/crap' - you know, the usual remarks AND u guys always gives us crap about how long it took for us to shop and decide one pair of jeans, guys are ten times worse! when it comes to their stuff, they can spend a whole bloody day in the bloody low yatt and in the end, TAK BELI PUNNNNN!! huh! anyway, my point is (and i do have one :p) is that i went alone the other day, even though i was dreading it, i actually enjoyed myself! :) i had fun. and it took me less than an hour to pick up two thumb drives and a headphones speaker with mike and and external hard drive (and no cute factor involved, i was practical :p) and i did survey up and down before deciding on the things kay, im not that ignorant. but still, boleh pun kejap je and in time for a buka puasa session with missy olyn at our favourite chicken rice shop :p

5. today we're going for steamboat for buka puasa. semayang dulu siap2 kat ofis baru gerak :p. my parents are still away to kelantan, only coming back on sunday. boringnye home alone.

oh mr sun, im okay already today :p dah buli balik org yang buli saya :p

im now contemplating to get this cute mouse that looks like an elephant tee hee (^_^)

have a great weekend folks!


Anonymous said...

hahaha okay2 i admit it, talking on behalf of my species, yes, we can spend the whole day in Low Yatt, similar to how you girls can spend the whole day in Nichhi..yes, i KNOW the evil that is Nichhi!

so to each his/her own?

-rizal-the computer freak-

niQue_naQ said...

okay2.. Nichi is a different league all together hehe