Tuesday, April 13, 2010

mimpi yang sempurna

I have submitted my resignation letter and have accepted a post with an international shipping company based in Amsterdam. The new company have agreed to fully sponsor my PhD in the UK for three years in Shipping and Logistics and from there, the PhD proposal will be based on the company’s latest project in several parts of Europe, a project that I will be heading upon completion of my studies. I have exactly one month to prepare for everything before leaving for Amsterdam!





















Sounds too good to be true?
































That’s because its NOT.

Though that would have been THE perfect dream, right?



Yes, im still here. Same company. Same job. Same *Hell.

Thank you everyone for your comments for my post below. I wish I could disclose here what really happened, but without revealing some confidential information, it would have been too confusing too understand. And I think, even if I did tell you what really happened, there’s bound to be some who would make annoying remarks such as “the stress/workload is equivalent to the pay and the company’s reputation” – something that is true, but something that I really really am not interested to hear. I do know that ok. I have been in the oil & gas industry long enough to know that very very well.  Am some will probably even make an even more annoying comments like “quit, then get married la, sit at home and be a housewife”. I can’t deal with such lowly crude and ridiculously stupid mindless brain numbing comments so again, I hope you truly understand if I just say I really thank you for your concerns and I am better now and that I have a plan.

Yes I do.

Pray for me ok?

1 comment:

farah said...

sometimes you have to remember that the perfect dream is just that; a "dream"..nothing more, its the reality u need to deal with..glad yr ok and of course, yr always in my prayers :)