Wednesday, December 01, 2010

let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! (^_^)

exactly 4 years ago today, i wrote this entry in my big yellow taxi blog (twas in friendster, those were the good ol days hehe)..

and for the two years i was there, it didnt snow once!

but info from the trusted weather man confirms that the chances are very high that it will be white christmas in plymouth this year! wuhooo!

am i excited? damn right i am!!

here are the entry, republish! (my style of writing was so different 4 yrs ago kan?)

1st Dec 2006

there are a few things that i expected to see or experience when i come to uk to study, first, i expected to meet david beckham when i visited the old trafford stadium in manchester (but i didnt, someone kindly pointed out that he’s in real madrid now, like watever, he’s still british aint he? he shud be standing guard in front of the stadium, waiting for me to come and sign my autgraph and take a picture with me huhu, i know i know, ovverrrrr!) and i have to see the queen (perhaps by some weird miracle that she actually wanna have tea, scones with cream and strawberry jam (which is my latest english craze) with me, and discussing the british weather, actually had a dream about this once, altho it was not d queen, it was prince william, of course! hehe) and another main thing ive always wanted to experience, is to have a snowy winter.

i soooooooooo wished that it would snow here in plymouth but unfortunately (or fortunately, i cant decide) i have picked the warmest part of the uk to live in. here in plymouth so far, the lowest that it ever went to is -1 celcius, and let me tell you now, -1, its not really really really that cold, sure its freezing and all and but not as cold as i imagined it would be, i define my coldness based on how many layers of clothing i have to wear, at -1, its just a thsirt, a sweater and jacket, and u need gloves and scarfs. for it to be really really cold by my definition will be actually wearing the long johns i brought from home, 2 tshirts, a sweater, and a jacket. and according to those who have lived in plymouth, the lowest it ever gets here is -2!!

so some of the people here in plymouth tells me that it is unlikely that it’ll be a white winter this year, but winter aint over yet, so im holding my breath and keep on wishing desperately that it will snow :p

on another note,

i am now officially on my 3 weeks christmas break, next term only starting on the 8th january next year, so from now till then, i have 3 full weeks of doing absolutely..nothing!! maybe i shud go out and find a part time job or sumting, and i do have some work to do as we are required to submit a couple pages of our dissertation the first week we got back, and i havent even make a dent on my reading list…but for now im just enjoying the novelty of being on a break! so here’s a list of things that i plan to do in 3 weeks;

1. visit the plymouth national aquarium, apparently its one of the best ones in uk, and seing the pictures that my friends has, i think its worth to dedicate a whole day to it hehe - never did this yet! two yrs i was there never went once haha

2. visit the national and art history museums in plymouth, the building itself is a gorgeous work of art and of historical significant! - stepped inside for like 10 mins to get out from the hail, im so uncultured :p

3. explore the tiny exquisite shops around the barbican, who knows i might find something really interesting or a cool bargain :) plus sister dearest wants me to buy the bone china plate set, so need to look for that! - this i did! knew all shops by heart! and bought my sis and me mom the plates too! shopping la, it figures i wud! :p

4. take a bus and go to exeter for the day, never been there yet, its another city about an hour away from plymouth - we rented a car there instead, they have the best briyani ever! we went every chance we got actually hehe

5. go down to the barbican and check out the fish market and the shipping area there, my lecturer has been urging us to try to find a part time job closer to wat we are studying, so working in a shipping company might be fun! (and educational of course of course :p) - fish market, check! part time job in a shipping company? err, i ended up at royal mail instead haha

6. go to london on christmas day with the motley crews from plymouth, and will wait for the boxing day shopping in london, huhu there goes my savings :p - went! but didnt buy anything :( so cant wait for this next one :p

7. go up to leeds to dear aunt and uncle’s place for raya haji and new year, where there will be lots and lots of delicious food and my fav cousins around for entertainment, and my brother who will be down from germany too, yay! - went! and had a super lovely time! :)

and then in between the sight seeings;

1. finished unpacking my stuff in my new room

2. settle all the change of address correspondences

3. set up the direct debit account with hsbc

4. finish at least 10 of the things to read on my reading list

5. complete the 5 pages of dissertation proposal

hmm, looking at my list, looks like i need more than 3 weeks break! hehehe but i think i can manage it :)

so keep reading my blog, while i keep you updated after each of the above is completed, till then, merry christmas and have a good holiday everyone!


afizly said...

amboi3x..dier punyer list... mcm takde tahun lain dah nk dtg UK.. org kat sini semua stuck kat jalan... gridlock punyer pasal... it took 10 hour from portsmouth to gatwick airport( latest news ) and lots of train is not working..sejuk sgt kot.. (now the train might sound like this - WAAAA....Chooooo...chooooo...) POYO!!!

although mmg -2'c here in Plymouth but somehow upper part of UK might or will be -20'c (based on BBC)...

check out the BBC news...

niQue_naQ said...

poyo sangat!! hahaha
alamak hope its all ok when i get there, at least selamat sampai plymouth ok la kan kan kan :p

i need a jacket! hint hint hint! :p :p :p