last nite i was browsing through my mp3 list, cleaning it up and updating it..cant believe some of the ‘junk’ that i have in my mp3, songs that have no business mixing together, like sm salim (downloaded these when we were looking for songs for my boss for the company’s annual dinner, yikes, delete, delete!), ace of base (wadda?? where did this one come from?) and horror of all horrors, the last and worst of the backstreet boys album (downloaded these when i was compiling a mix cd as a besday prez for my 18 year old cousin, really! honestly!)
its amazing how certain songs just brings back a fresh load of memories that hits you right smack in the face and made you sit back and think back of who you were and who you were with and the things that you have done.. some of the songs that i have not heard for quite awhile now, specially dedicated to loadylot, my uni roomate for 5 years, you would appreciate this list more than anyone :)
1. my kind of scene - powderfingers
2. walking after you - foo fighters
3. question everything - s stops seven
4. view from the other side - duncan sheik
5. if you could only see - tonic
6. shimmer - fuel
7. stuck in a moment - u2
8. time of your life - greenday
9. drops of jupiter - train
10. hopelessly - train
11. halo - orleander
and all the songs from the american pie 2 album, remember pheobe cates - fenix tx, and fat lip - sum 41 and allll the songs ever played by our fav DJ Kevin :p (wonder wat happened to him..)
i think of all the songs that i remember the most, would be those songs that we listened to in my car, my previous car that is, a dark green 20 year old proton saga, with excellent handling, fantastic pick up and always, always the best songs collection playing from its old tape player (these were the days when we couldnt even think of getting a cd player for the car), sigh, we went everywhere in that car…
woah, im digressing, sides’ the ‘car’ deserves an entry of its own, i bet each and everyone of my seven best friends can provide their own personal entry on that car, such was its impact on our lives :)
so anyway, after all being listened and judged and went through extreme and ruthless scanning process, and some panic ‘accidentally delete’ attack, im left with a much more manageable compilation of songs that signifies every important and memorable events throughout my life, i like to think of it as my own personal soundtrack :p even tho some of the songs are a little bit too painful to listened to, i still keep them, u have to keep both the good ones and the bad ones, just to remind you of how far you have been :p
but im happy to know the list will grow longer and longer, as i go through life, borrowing the lines from the ever wise Bono, continuing my search for a decent melody...
Bila you sampai UK ni? Nanti give me a call ok? 22nd tu I kena kerja .. I start kerja at 6pm - 10pm. kalau nak jumpa we meet up for lunch ok ke? you have my number already kan???
what song that reminds you of our time with bread and butter and mat kedah back in Ausmat?
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