Wednesday, December 01, 2010

talkin' bout shoes!

Although I am never particulary very much into fashion, always believed that the best i could do is make sure everything matches and pants look like pants and skirts look like skirts, not half-skirt-half-handbag-but-can-double-as-a-hat as well kinda do, im allright..

Occasionally under the influence of my best friend (whose life’s is simply devoted to them, but since she’s an amazingly cool person, i wont hold it against her :p) i would venture out of my usual norm and actually browse through the higher end of fashion world and get one really really really really good item and spend the rest of the month eating maggie for breakfast, lunch and dinner..

But shoes, shoes are totally different and handbags..ask any of my friends, and they tell you how much i spend on shoes and handbags..and i have them all, all types and all designs for every occasion ever..actually, i dont think any of my friends actually know how many handbags and how many shoes i actually have, simply because even i cant keep track of them, i still have shoes and handbags that i have never used and still in their respective boxes and carrier bags, not to mention stuff that i bought on my trip to Indonesia, the bags and leather sandals i bought in Bangkok (all 4 times that ive been there) and oh, this gorgeous beaded bag i bought in Cambodia (wonder where i put it, hmm) and the lovely and pretty shoes that i got from various parts of the world that is arranged color coordinated in a big shoe box in my room at home next to a big bag box filled with my gorgeous bags.. (oh how i miss my shoes and my bags (sigh))

anyway, here are something for those who loves shoes and handbags as much as i do (adapted from Ms Keyes novel);

How to justify buying as many shoes as you want in five easy-to-follow steps :

1. The economy is slowing down, so we’ve got to keep spending in order to avoid a recession.

2. As my mother always says, if you’re doing a job, do it properly. If you’ve gone to the trouble of going out shopping, make it worth your while - never take the lazy way out by buying just one pair.

3. Your current ones might be stolen by a rabid inner-city fox, so it’s vital to have a back-up pair. Several, actually.

4. Everyone needs a hobby.

5. You need to match your new bag. You cant go out in last season’s ones. Honestly, do they want you to be a public laughing-stock?

And, AS IF you ever need a reason, here are my top five reasons to buy even more handbags;

1. You need to match your new shoes. You cant go out in last season’s ones. Honestly, do they want you to be a public laughing-stock?

2. What else are you going to carry your stuff in?

3. A second hobby is always nice..

4. That rabid inner-city fox could strike again and it mightn’t be shoes this time..

5. Beautiful bags are works of art. Its culture, innit?

So there you go, happy shopping!


Farah said...

i love shoes! and handbags too! but nowadays i seem to be spending my money more on IT gadgets, lusting over the new Ipad..

niQue_naQ said...

that Ipad is nice kan? but i cant think of a single good reaason why i shud spend so much money on something like that! when i can use the money to buy a ticket to south africa instead hehehe :p :p